Field team deploys retail assets

Offline geo-location

NFC, Barcode, QR Code read/write

Custom fields for better asset identification

Field team audits and services retail assets

Customizable operating process

Read tags, edit, take picture, audit or service assets

Customizable digital forms

Head office monitors retail asset productivity

Instant alerts on asset down-time

Correlate with sales information and retail performance

Determine ROI

Why is Assetrakker the best retail asset management system for your organization?

End to end value chain integration

Easiest to use

Integrated with sales information

Real time shareable reports

Connect with other systems

The easiest to use, end-to-end integrated, and real-time shareable retail asset management system for consumer goods


Assetrakker works with the world’s leading consulting and technology companies to provide the best Retail Asset Management solution for the consumer goods industry.